Course Description: This agriculture course is a review program and typically covers the basic concepts and principles of agriculture, including crop production, soil science, animal science, agricultural economics, and agricultural technology. The course is designed to provide a comprehensive review of the key topics and concepts in agriculture and to prepare students for further study in the field. professionals may also include hands-on activities, case studies, and project work. The course may also provide opportunities for networking with other professionals in the field of agriculture. The course may also include mandatory co-op work and hands-on activities, such as field trips, laboratory experiments, and group projects. Students may be required to read and analyze scientific literature, and to present their findings in written and oral formats.

Overall, an agriculture review course is designed to provide students with focus on review of agriculture, and to prepare them for further study or work in the field.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Bachelors or similar degree in related field.
- This review program is designed solely for individuals who are currently or recently employed in the same agriculture sector as the outlines of this program. All students in the program must have some related experience in the agriculture profession and they intend to upgrade or maintain skills to remain employed in the agriculture sector or industry.
Course Duration: 48 Weeks
Course Outline:
- Advanced Plant Science
- Plant Science
- Soil Science
- Livestock Production and Management
- Agricultural Economics and Business Management
- Agricultural Technology and Innovation
- Crop Production
- Animal Science
- Environmental Issues in Agriculture
- Co-op Practicum